The EPM community never seems to slow down with providing great content.
Patches and Updates:
Essbase has been released. It has not yet hit the Proactive Support Blog. So here it is:
Essbase Server PSU 22674292
Essbase RTC PSU 22674308
Essbase Client PSU 22674304
Essbase Client MSI PSU 22814465
It says this:
“Essbase Administration Services, Provider Services, and Essbase Studio are supported for use with Essbase”
But…I can’t actually find those. So if you happen to be able to find those, drop me a line. Perhaps this is why it isn’t on the Proactive Support Blog yet?
New Blog Posts:
This week I covered upper-level drill-through using Drillbridge. I really like this product more the more I use it. I’m currently working on several more posts around advanced functionality and comparing the free version to the enterprise version.
Francisco tells us that hard-coding passwords is bad and shows us how to take care of the problem.
Summer tells us about a random date issue in Planning.
Henri shows us how to get back some of the functionality from the HFM Copy Utility in
Cameron continues his series on PBCS in Part 9: EPM Automate.
Interested in a career in ETL? Probably not if you read my blog…but just in case, the DEVEPM guys have a presentation coming up next week on just that topic.
Dayalan shows us how to change the default number of columns and rows loaded in Planning and PBCS.
Celvin give the community a heart-felt thank you after his well-deserved upgrade to Oracle ACE Director status. Personally, if I make it to director level, I’m finding a newspaper that still actually prints papers and taking out a giant advertisement. But his post is far classier.
Doug and Joe demonstrate how easy it is to copy data from HFM to Planning using FDMEE. I’ll be trying this on my home lab soon.
Opal gives us a little more information about FCCS now that it has made its way to Oracle site. Ringing in at $250 per user per month, it is the most expensive of the Oracle EPM Cloud offerings so far.
Brian Marshall
April 2, 2016
Because this is a 3-day weekend for many, I’m posting this a day early. Also, today is the last day for early bird registration for KScope16. So what’s new this week?
Patches and Updates:
DRM has been released. This includes a ton of new features and patches. This patch as previously been released, but has been pulled and moved around and required a password at one point.
FCM has been released. There are quite a few bug fixes, especially for ARM.
New Blog Posts:
This week I continued my series on PowerShell and Hyperion. I focused on executing the outline load utility from a remote server.
Amit shows us how to encrypt our password using the EPM Automate tool.
Celvin has cracked the Hyperion Planning API…cool stuff. He has also made some updates to his Essbase Member Operations utility. Busy week for Celvin!
Eric gives us a lot of great information about Exalytics.
Kate walks us through the new features found in the recently released patch for HFM.
Sarah (now over at Big Red) shows us how to find the REST URL in the Cloud.
With KScope16 rapidly approaching and presentations due in just over two months, Heli’s post about how long it takes to prepare seems appropriate.
Opal discusses the future of the cloud as it relates to Oracle and customers having the cloud on site! It is very interesting…but not yet coming to the EPM space. Good read either way.
John Goodwin continues his series on the FDMEE Web Services.
Other News:
Today is the last day to sign up for the reduced early registration price at Be sure to use the US-Analytics code of USA to save an additional $100.
Brian Marshall
March 25, 2016
This was a bit of a slow week…until it wasn’t. Things picked up late this week.
Patches and Updates:
DRM has been released. Fixes a few bugs.
Disclosure Management has been released. There appear to be quite a few bug fixes.
The FDM to FDMEE Migration Utility V1.1 has been released. Seems to fix a few bugs, hopefully the one making your migration difficult!
New Blog Posts:
This week, I blogged about the removal of the delete plan types button and started down the software path of the Hyperion Home Lab.
Vijay tells us how to solve IE-related issues in DRM with compatibility view settings.
Glenn reminds us not to be Glenn…oh, and he also mentions something about issues in older versions not being the solution to problems in the new versions. But really…just don’t be Glenn! 😉
Jason tells us what he is looking forward to a Kscope this year. I’m going to pretend I made the list…
Harry has released a new version of his cubeSavvy Utilities.
Robert tells us about Pi Day and more importantly the NGCP. Not exactly EPM related, but I’m all for getting girls more excited about STEM.
Ludovic tells us about the member selection feature in Smart View that allows you to select either vertical or horizontal display.
Kate shows us a DRM quick tip on tracking changes to properties.
Cameron take a look at Smart Forms in his on-going PBCS series. I have to say…Smart Forms are pretty cool.
Vijay shows us how to hack the DRM repository to rename objects.
Other News:
KScope16 early bird registration ends in a few days! Register by March 30 and use code USA to save a total of $400 on your Kscope pass.
Brian Marshall
March 19, 2016
Another busy week…maybe not as busy as last week.
Patches and Updates:
Oracle released Account Reconciliation Cloud Services (ARCS). PBCS finally has a cloud-based sibling.
Oracle has officially posted the landing page for another PBCS sibling…Enterprise PBCS. While it is not yet available, it does have pricing information.
Jason released version 1.5.5 of Drillbridge, now under the Applied OLAP license and with a few bug fixes.
New Blog Posts:
This week, I blogged about Drillbridge and then Drillbridge again.
Doug and Brian have started a series on Migrating from FDM to FDMEE: Into, FDM Migration Utility System Requirements, FDM Migration Utility Secret Sauce.
Opal walks us through the new FR Web Studio. She also reminds us that PBCS requires Adobe Flash to properly use Calculation Manager (because sometimes Oracle thinks it’s still the early 2000’s).
Another FDMEE post from Dayalan discussing end-user access.
Eric has an introduction to the aforementioned ARCS here.
My long-time colleague at US-Analytics, Terry, provides a tutorial on PSE 22506614. Clearly we need to work on his blog titles…
Another FDMEE post, this time from John Goodwin (who knows everything…seriously…everything) continuing his deep dives into the various Web Services.
Will starts off a series on loading data into Planning using the Outline Load Utility with an introduction to encrypting your password.
Other News:
Microsoft announced that they will be bringing SQL Server to Linux. No, it’s not April 1st, this is real. Also, Hell has frozen over.
We had a good lunch gathering here in Dallas on Friday at Thai Star in Addison. You can still join the MeetUp group here in case you missed this one but want to catch the next one.
ODTUG has announced the Hands On Training for KScope16. Get all the details here.
Brian Marshall
March 12, 2016
It was a very busy week in the EPM space. We had several patches released along with a large amount of great blog content.
Patches and Updates:
HPCM has been released. Looks like a lot of bug fixes and some new features.
Hyperion Tax Provision gets patch
The long-awaited patch is out for HFM. There are a lot of new features…but it looks like they didn’t manage to include web-based meta-data management. I have verified this in my test lab…sigh.
Disclosure Management is also available. It seems to be purely bug fixes.
New Blog Posts:
This week I got back to PowerShell with a focus on Hyperion Planning and the Outline Load Utility.
Vijay posted his first in a series of posts on the DRM Batch Utility. I look forward to the rest of this series.
Philip has a guest post on Cameron’s blog about PBCS and Valid Intersections. When will they finally give this to the on-premise users?!
Neha shows us how to upload Smart Lists in PBCS and Hyperion Planning using the web-based interface.
Dmitry has posted the second part of his EPMA and ODI integration series.
Tony helps us understand how to perform process log analysis in FDMEE.
For a little bit of BI blogging, check out a BICS introduction to projects over at ArtOfBI.
Rodrigo shows us how to dynamically export objects from ODI.
Jake came out of blogging retirement to show us how to use the REST API in PBCS with Groovy. Great stuff as always.
Henri has a great post about the previously mentioned patch for HFM.
Blogs from the Past:
This is a new section of our week in review. Basically, if I used a blog post for something, I feel like I should give people credit for great work. So this area will just bring up older blog posts that maybe you missed or just that I found helpful.
I was working with the Essbase JAPI and I made use of Jake’s post about Groovy and Dmitry’s post on his outline scrambler. Without these posts, I’m sure it would have taken me days to figure it out. Thanks guys!
Other News:
123OLAP is having a great sale on EPM training. See more here and be sure to let them know that Brian @ US-Analytics sent you their way!
Brian Marshall
March 5, 2016
This week was a little slow in the patch department, but plenty of great blogging going on.
Patches and Updates:
Blog Posts:
This week I posted the final installment of the Building a Hyperion Home Lab series.
Michelle encourages us to actively participate in user groups. I’m a huge fan of ODTUG and the local NtxHUG, so listen to Michelle and join in the fun!
Cameron walks us through the process of migrating to the cloud with PBCS.
Celvin has a new update to his NUMSys Web Edition utility. I haven’t had a chance to play with this tool, but it looks pretty cool.
Tim is on his soapbox about crossjoins…and he’s right! Please read his blog post to help make MDX a safer place for all of us.
Opal has been busy this week with not one, but two blog posts. First she tells us how to get back our missing Smart View ribbon. Next she shows us how to provide feedback to Oracle in both BICS and PBCS. She claims that Oracle even reads the feedback…and responds!
Dmitry posted the first part of his step-by-step guide to EPMA integration with Essbase Studio using ODI.
Other News:
I also updated the site this week to include new pages for Quick Links, Presentations, and Latest Patches.
ODTUG has announced the Thursday Deep Dives sessions for KScope16. See you in Chicago!
Brian Marshall
February 27, 2016
Two weeks…two weeks in review. Let’s see how long we can keep this up!
Patches and Updates:
The Essbase patch has been released. This comes with a server patch along with the various client patches. There are a few interesting features including the QUERYRESULTLIMIT for preventing stupid ASO user tricks and a few other ASO related bugs. Now if they can just release .008, which has a bug I need fixed…that would be great.
Financial Reporting has been released. Nothing too interesting here…just bug fixes.
Blog Posts:
This week I discussed storage for your Hyperion Home Lab. I also posted about the Admin Console and created a new Quick Links page on the site.
Dave reminds us that our grace period for is coming up soon here.
Harry let’s us know that he has released a new version of his cubeSavvy Utilities. He lost me when he started speaking Russian…but hey I barely speak English.
Dmitry has an interesting write-up on Drill-Through performance in Essbase here.
Sarah gives us a nice lesson in UNIX and Windows Interoperability.
Tony shows off a very detailed guide to using DRM and PBCS.
For those in the cloud that can use Valid Intersections, Celvin shows us that they can be automated!
Other News:
ODTUG is now accepting applications for their Women in Technology Scholarship. You can find out the details to the program here. Applications are due in a little over a month on March 22, 2016.
As always (twice anyway), if I missed a great blog post or a patch release, let me know and I’ll either update this post or add it to next week’s post. Have a great weekend everyone!
Brian Marshall
February 20, 2016
Welcome to the inaugural post of what I hope to make a weekly post collecting all of the news and information that was produced in the past week. We’ll see how this goes…
Patches and Updates:
DRM has been released. It does require a password to download, but it is supposed to include the DRM Analytics that many have been waiting for. Check it out here.
Hyperion Shared Services has been released. Check it out here.
Blog Posts:
This week I discussed chassis and power supply selection for your Hyperion Home Lab.
Sarah showed off the new data export command that allows for data to be sanitized.
Tim tells us what we can expect when working with block density.
Cameron is letting Philip take over his blog again, this time discussing Smart Push in PBCS.
John Goodwin continues his excellent series around Essbase Web Services.
Kevin over at In2Hyperion shows us how to map Smart Lists to dimensions. This is a handy feature in PBCS until we finally get real attribute dimensions (I hear this is coming in March).
Other News:
Tony has a new book out on FDMEE. This one will definitely be in my Amazon cart soon.
Note bad for a first try at a weekly re-cap…if I do say so myself. If I missed a great blog post or a patch release, let me know and I’ll either update this post or add it to next week’s post. Have a great weekend everyone!
Brian Marshall
February 13, 2016