The EPM Week In Review: Week Ending February 13, 2016
Welcome to the inaugural post of what I hope to make a weekly post collecting all of the news and information that was produced in the past week. We’ll see how this goes…
Patches and Updates:
DRM has been released. It does require a password to download, but it is supposed to include the DRM Analytics that many have been waiting for. Check it out here.
Hyperion Shared Services has been released. Check it out here.
Blog Posts:
This week I discussed chassis and power supply selection for your Hyperion Home Lab.
Sarah showed off the new data export command that allows for data to be sanitized.
Tim tells us what we can expect when working with block density.
Cameron is letting Philip take over his blog again, this time discussing Smart Push in PBCS.
John Goodwin continues his excellent series around Essbase Web Services.
Kevin over at In2Hyperion shows us how to map Smart Lists to dimensions. This is a handy feature in PBCS until we finally get real attribute dimensions (I hear this is coming in March).
Other News:
Tony has a new book out on FDMEE. This one will definitely be in my Amazon cart soon.
Note bad for a first try at a weekly re-cap…if I do say so myself. If I missed a great blog post or a patch release, let me know and I’ll either update this post or add it to next week’s post. Have a great weekend everyone!