Getting Started With Hyperion Planning and Rapid Deployment (Part 2 of 2)
So you finally get everything working on your shiny new Rapid Deployment and now its time to finally take a look at Planning. The problem is, we don’t have an app. The even bigger problem (for me and anyone else used to SQL Server) is that we don’t even have a data source for our application if we had one. For those of you that are familiar with Oracle 11g, this probably isn’t a problem and you are already using a fresh application that you just created. If, however, you are still reading…then you might be a little lost as to what to do next. Before we go through these steps…I’m the furthest thing imaginable from an Oracle DBA, so if anything I’m doing isn’t necessarily “Best Practice”, feel free to leave me a comment on how we could do it better.
Before we can create a Planning application, we of course need our repository. Since we used a Rapid Deployment, unless we want to install SQL Server, we have to use Oracle 11g as our data source. We’ll start by opening up Enterprise Manager so that we can create a new user. Follow these steps to get your user set up:
- Navigate to Database Control – admin in the start menu:
- Once Enterprise Manager has opened in your browser, enter SYSTEM for the username and the password you defined for your Rapid Deployment as the password while leaving Normal selected.
- Click on Server in the top menu area.
- Click on Users under the Security section.
- With the ADMIN user and Create Like action selected, click Go.
- Enter Vision for Name, enter a password twice, and click OK.
- Verify that the user was created successfully.
Once our database user has been created, we are ready to create our actual Planning sample application. Follow these steps to set up your sample application:
- Log into workspace and click Navigate, Administer, Planning Administration.
- Click on Manage Data Source and click the add data source plus sign.
- Enter localhost for Server, 1521 for Port, admin for SID, Vision for User, and your password for Password under Application Database. Enter localhost for Server, admin for User, and your Rapid Deployment password for Password under Essbase Server. Validate your connections and then click Save.
- Click Manage Applications and click the add application plus sign.
- Select your Vision data source, enter Vision for Application, select Sample for Application Type and click Next.
- Verify the information and click Create.
- Wait for the application to be created and populated with meta-data and data.
- Enjoy your new sample app rather than creating one from scratch.
So with that, you should be ready to start working with Planning on your Rapid Deployment!
Peter Nitschke
June 7, 2015 - 1:52 am
Hey Mate,
just wanted to drop and note and thank you for writing up this guide. Not much of an infrastructure guy – so it was great to have a step by step!