Drill-Through with ASO Plan Types

If you are and you use ASO Plan Types, you may be aware of a bug that prevents drill-through from working properly.  Essentially, I can define drill-through in BSO and everything works fine, but ASO just doesn’t work.  You can see the intersection as being available for drill-through, but when you attempt to actually drill through…you get this:


Well that sucks.  But wait, there is now hope!  First, you need  Then, you need the recently released intermediate patch 23023767.  Now if we look at the read-me, we see this:

ASODT02That is not terribly promising.  In fact, it just plainly says absolutely nothing about drill-through.  It doesn’t even mention ASO at all.  But hey, let’s follow the instructions and patch our system anyway.  Flash forward a few minutes, or hours depending on your installation and we should be ready to try it out again:


Now that looks better!  Working drill-through from an ASO Plan Type!  The cool part is that we can use FDMEE…or something else.  Be on the lookout for another post on using DrillBridge with Planning AND PBCS.

North Texas EPM Lunch
The EPM Week In Review: Week Ending April 30, 2016

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