The EPM Week In Review: Week Ending June 25, 2016

It seems like everyone has finished their Kscope presentations but me…as this was the busiest week I’ve encountered since I started doing my week in review.

Patches and Updates:


The Planning patch has been released.  This includes a laundry list bug fixes.  We’ve waited a while for this one…

The FR patch has been released.  When I looked at the readme, I only saw the 701 notes…so I’m not entirely sure what this fixed.


As of July 1st, you should see the updates coming for PBCS, EPBCS, and FCCS in your test environments.  This is the giant PBCS update we’ve all been waiting for that adds literally thirty (yes 30!) pages worth of new functionality and fixes to both PBCS and EPBCS.  Check out the official PDF’s here:

PBCS July Update

EPBCS July Update

FCCS July Update

New Blog Posts:

This week I started my series on building your own NAS server with FreeNAS.  I also mentioned my upcoming presentations at Kscope.

Gary has published the first release of his new SV++ utility.  This is an entirely new interface for the Smart View plug-in for Excel.  I’m pretty impressed.  I have dozens of clients that will find this very, very useful.  Think of this as the new generation of the In2Hyperion add-in (thanks Kyle!).  We do need to talk to Gary about his marketing, as he didn’t even post a screenshot of the tool.  So I’ll help him out a little:


The DEVEPM team is on their way to Kscope from a combination of Brazil and Ireland.  I wish I was going to be there longer this year so that I could try to meet up with everyone.  Perhaps I should organize and EPM bloggers lunch on Tuesday.

Keith takes us through the differences in rounding using FDM Classic with VB and FDMEE with Jython.  For all you coding nerds…good stuff.  For everyone in general, great information.

Sibin, whose Exploits in Hyperion blog was just added to the EPM Blog page, has two posts this week.  First he covers an issues with Weblogic that looks like loads of fun.  Next he shows us a bug in PBCS that he discovered.  Hopefully this gets fixed…in the August push?  Or is this Smart View?  Good luck Sibin!

Speaking of Kyle, he has an entire blog post devoted to Jake Turrell.  We do need to work on his spelling of Jake’s last name…and maybe I need to get Kyle to drive traffic to my blog?  Kyle?  Mind sending some people my way? 😉  But in all seriousness, you should definitely check out Jake’s presentations.  He does an amazing job and I can guarantee that you will learn something useful.

Jason is doing his best Opal impression this week with a blog-a-day leading up to Kscope.  He is traveling today, so we’ll give him a pass for missing Friday.  Here’s a recap of the cool stuff he covered this week:

Multiple Retrieves in Dodeca

Cascading Report Summary Sheets in Dodeca

PBJ PBCS Client GitHub repository

Advanced integration with PBJ Java PBCS REST API library

Cascading Reports with Dodeca

Kscope16 is almost here!

Tim is getting ready for Kscope as well.  Another person I should probably at least try to say hello to next week.  He gives us a few of his selections and let’s us know when he is presenting.

Francisco has a ridiculously detailed post on loading cell text into HFM from flat files.  Like…all the steps…ever.  Impressive stuff.

Celvin shows us how to get Text ID’s from PBCS.  This is way easier on-prem, but handy info with so many new projects going to the cloud.

Sarah shows us how to install Oracle’s REST Data Services (ORDS) in Standalone mode.  She too is getting ready for Kscope.  Based on her post, we can assume she REALLY like Kscope.  If you are a first-timer to the conference, this is a definite must-read.  The list of people I need to say hello to at Kscope continues to grow out of control.

Robert has a very detailed guide on using Essbase calc scripts with FDMEE.  He even shows us how to use parameters with those calc scripts.  I’m sure I’ll be referencing this later down the line.

Vinjay has a follow up to his earlier post on Groovy and REST.  This time he shows us how ODI can use our Groovy code.  Very cool.

Opal again had a busy week.  Perhaps not as blog-happy as Jason, but she has some great news:

Opal’s book on EPRCS has been released!  Congrats Opal!

FCCS First Look:  Creating an Application

EPBCS Series:  Navigation Flows

Other News:

Can there really be any news left?  I expect next week to be full of “I’m at Kscope” blogs.  So brace yourself for another long blog post.  Everyone travel safe to Chicago and I hope to see you all there!

Brian @ Kscope16
The EPM Week In Review: Week Ending July 2, 2016


  1. Thanks for sharia details

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