The EPM Week In Review: Week Ending June 11, 2016
This was a really, really slow week for blogging. It’s almost like something is happening that is occupying everyone’s time. Drop me a line if you know what’s going on.
Patches and Updates:
I mentioned last that Essbase had been released. It finally made its way to the Proactive Support Blog.
HPCM has been released. There appears to be a massive amount of new features, including a new REST API. Check out the readme.
Calc Manager has been released. This appears to be general bug-fixes. Hopefully it fixes your bug! Check out the readme.
I’ve heard that the Planning patch was due out in the next week or so…until they delayed it to add one more bug fix. That bug fix should only take a week or so to add according to my source, so we might get this patch prior to Kscope…we’ll just have to wait and see.
New Blog Posts:
This week (5 minutes ago), I posted part 2 of my Essbase performance series.
Cameron is a little survey-happy in advance of Kscope. He has a blog about the future of Planning (PBCS) and this survey. Be sure to take the survey!
Chris has a blog post showing off the new attribute functionality that was added to PBCS in the June July and then June again release. I’ve heard the 06 patch may be the 07 patch…but for those whose pods were purchased after the patch was actually ready. We’ll see what changes in 07…
Dayalan talks about the Outline Load Utility. He has a ton of code samples related to SQL with the utility. Good stuff.
Harry has yet another beta release of his web-based cubeSavvy UI. I wish Oracle could release updates this fast. This week he brings us the ability to execute calc scripts when you submit data!
John Goodwin has part 2 of his FDMEE and DRM integration series. I know I saw this every time he has a blog post, but…good stuff. Posts so detailed a caveman can do FDMEE and DRM integration.
Other News:
There’s a minor get-together of Oracle professionals in Chicago in a few weeks. Can’t wait to see everyone…and I mean everyone will be there. Even though its minor.