Hyperion EPM Week In Review: August 1, 2016
It was a light week in the Hyperion EPM blog community. Oracle helped out a bit with some updates.
Hyperion EPM Patches and Updates:
Tax Provision has been released. As previously mentioned, totally out of my area of knowledge.
The Oracle support site was updated this week. You can find out more here.
Kash sent out updates for both PBCS and FCCS. Data management was added to FCCS, so that’s pretty huge. The PBCS updates aren’t too earth-shattering.
cubeSavvy is officially production-ready! Harry has released version 6.0.0. Get your web-based Essbase going in production!
Hyperion EPM Blog Posts:
Sarah has a guide on installing Oracle 12c on Windows. Her sample covers the multi-tenant version of 12c. If you’d like a single-tenant version, you can always check out Jake’s post here. She also has a post on BICS data sync. Both very thorough posts.
Tim reflects on his time spent at Kscope and the preparations that go into it. I’d encourage everyone to read his comments and consider submitting an abstract for Kscope17.
Francisco has an very in-depth article about using the on-prem REST API’s for Planning to load meta-data. One word of caution…this is still unsupported as I understand it. That doesn’t mean it won’t work, just that they might change the API without notice.
Cameron continues his Kscope in Snaps series. I really should take more pictures at these things…
Dmitry has an update to his Essbase Scrambler. This is an awesome tool and he gives us a few API tips along the way.
Gary has a helpful tip for those of us using Firefox as our Hyperion EPM browser of choice.
Harry not only had his production release of cubeSavvy, but also a few beta releases this week: 9.6 and 9.7.
Another quick shout out for the ODTUG GeekAThon. For those of us real geeks out there, they have a competition worthy of the maker community. You can find the announcement here. You can find the competition website here. And a quick re-cap:
Now go build something awesome!