Build Something Awesome: ODTUG GeekAThon
I included the content of this post in my Week In Review, but I think it deserves a separate post altogether. ODTUG GeekAThon is the first contest of this type that ODTUG has conducted, so let’s make it a success. This way we get more contests, more awesome ideas, and more prizes.
So what’s this contest about? I don’t want to re-cap the entire GeekAThon website, but essentially they want you to build something out of the Beacon that you received at Kscope16. Using the Bluetooth Low Energy technology of the Beacon…solve a problem. Then show us how to do the same things. Go check out the site to find out more:
A few important dates for those of you interested:
You must register by August 15, 2016, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
You must submit your video entry by September 23, 2016, 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
You must submit your solution document by September 23, 2016, 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
And for those of you who need a visual to assist in your procrastination, the red are the days past as of this post. The green is the day you should be ready for, but will likely need to work right up until 11:59 to meet. 😉
Now go build something awesome!