EPM Blogs
I’ve read a ton of blog posts this year. Partially because I really enjoy reading all of the interesting content that our community comes up with and partially because I started doing my EPM Week in Review posts. I decided to create a list of all of the blogs that I have come across so far. If for some reason I missed your blog, let me know! If for some reason you don’t want me to link to your blog, let me know!
The list is searchable and sortable. Currently, the list links to 45 active blogs! Here it is:
First Name | Last Name | Blog Title | Blog URL |
Amit | Sahasrahudhe | EPMinsight | http://epminsight.com/ |
Brian | Marshall | Hyperion EPM | http://www.epmmarshall.com/ |
Cameron | Lackpour | Cameron's Blog for Essbase Hackers | http://camerons-blog-for-essbase-hackers.blogspot.com/ |
Celvin | Kattookaran | Oracle - Hyperion Labs | http://www.orahyplabs.com/ |
Christian | Hoekstra | What if the world is a prototype? | http://christian-hoekstra.blogspot.com/ |
Dan | Pressman | The Essbase Mechanic | https://theessbasemechanic.wordpress.com/ |
Dayalan | Punniyamoorthy | Only Hyperion | http://onlyhyperion.blogspot.com/ |
Dmitry | Kryuk | Hooked On Hyperion | http://hookmax.blogspot.com/ |
Doug | Correa | Think FDM | http://www.thinkfdm.com/ |
Edward | Roske | Look Smarter | http://looksmarter.blogspot.com/ |
Eric | Helmer | The I.T. Side | https://erichelmer.wordpress.com/ |
Eric | Erikson | Eric Erikson's Oracle HFM and FCCS Blog | http://ericerikson.blogspot.com/ |
Francisco | Amores | Fishing with FDMEE | http://akafdmee.blogspot.com/ |
Gary | Adashek | Adashek EPM | http://adashek-epm.blogspot.com/ |
Gary | Crisci | Gary Crisci's BI Blog | http://garycris.blogspot.com/ |
Glen | Schwartzberg | Glenn Schwartzberg's Essbase Blog | http://glennschwartzbergs-essbase-blog.blogspot.com/ |
Harry | Gates | Harry Gates's Essbase Blog | http://harrygates-essbase-blog.blogspot.com/ |
Henri | Vilminko | The Finnish Hyperion Guy | http://hyperionfinn.blogspot.com/ |
Jake | Turrell | EPM Adventures | http://turrellconsulting.com/blog/ |
Jason | Jones | Jason's Hyperion Blog | http://www.jasonwjones.com/ |
John | Booth | Metavero | http://metavero.com/blog/ |
John | Goodwin | More to Life | http://john-goodwin.blogspot.com/ |
Justin | Waldrip | epmjunkie.com | http://epmjunkie.com/ |
Kate | Helmer | HyperionBarbie | https://hyperionbarbie.wordpress.com/ |
Keith | Kikita | epmjunkie.com | http://epmjunkie.com/ |
Kyle | Goodfriend | In2Hyperion | http://www.in2hyperion.com/ |
Lodovic | de Paz | The Hyperion Doctor | http://thehyperiondoctor.com/ |
Matt | Milella | Essbase Labs | http://essbaselabs.com/ |
Neha | Sahasrahudhe | EPMinsight | http://epminsight.com/ |
Opal | Alapat | Woman In EPM | https://womaninepm.com/ |
Pete | Strayer | The Unlocked Cube | http://theunlockedcube.com/ |
Peter | Nitschke | Essbase Down Under | http://essbasedownunder.com/ |
Ricardo | Giampaoli | DEV EPM | https://devepm.com/ |
Robert | Gideon | Robert Gideon's BI/EPM Blog | https://cubistramblings.wordpress.com/ |
Rodrigo | Souza | DEV EPM | https://devepm.com/ |
Sarah | Zumbrum | Real Tri Geek | https://realtrigeek.com/ |
Sibin | Jose | Exploits in Hyperion | http://exploitsinhyperion.blogspot.com/ |
Summer | Watson | EPMSxSW | https://epmsxsw.com/ |
Tim | German | Cube Coder | http://www.cubecoder.com/ |
Tim | Tow | Tim Tow's Hyperion Blog | http://timtows-hyperion-blog.blogspot.com/ |
Timothy | Faitsch | My Everyday Essbase | http://essbase-day.blogspot.com/ |
Tony | Scalese | FDMEE Guru | http://www.fdmeeguru.com/ |
Tony | Mallardi | Tony's World of EPM | http://tony-mallardi.blogspot.com/ |
Vijay | Kurian | The Unlocked Cube | http://theunlockedcube.com/ |
Wayne | Van Sluys | Beyond Just Data | http://beyond-just-data.blogspot.com/ |
Will | Andreelli | The Unlocked Cube | http://theunlockedcube.com/ |